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Judge: Wainwright Prize 2024
I am delighted to be a judge for the 2024 Wainwright Nature Writing Prize.
12 books I read in 2020
In 2020, I read 12 books. I’ve written up a mini review for each of them.
Book Review: The Adventure Gap
The Adventure Gap by James Edward Mills has been on my reading list for a while. It follows the journey of the first predominantly African American team on their ascent of Denali (the highest peak in the US).
Book review: Irreplaceable by Julian Hoffman
It's been a while since a book made me cry, but Irreplaceable: the fight to save our wild places made me unexpectedly emotional. It's a non-fiction read by Julian Hoffman.
5 books about race in the UK
I think I just became trendy. A few years ago I realised that as a mixed race person in the UK, who very obviously has coloured skin, I was being treated differently.
A note on public shaming
A few years ago I read a book by Jon Ronson called 'So you've been publicly shamed'. It explores how individuals have been raked over the social media coals because of what they have said or done.
Book review: Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
I don't think I've ever read a book that so completely spoke to my creativity and process like Big Magic does. It's a mix of practical advice and captured ethereal creative process.
24 books I read in 2019
Achieved my goal of reading 24 books this year, which considering how hectic it was is nothing short of a miracle. Here is a mini review of each book!
Book review: Floating by Joe Minihane
Book review of this personal story of UK wild swimming and managing anxiety.
I am honoured to join the Right to Roam Parliament of Owls.