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Articles: The Donkey Sanctuary
I am freelance writing for The Donkey Sanctuary on their international work and also interviewing fascinating individuals for their newsletter.
Article: Huck Magazine
My interview with blind climber Jesse Dufton for Huck Magazine.
Mountain Training: Creating a New Life in the Outdoors
I worked on a project called Creating a Life in the Outdoors along with Phil Young to share how Mountain Training qualifications can help you build an outdoor career.
Article: Adventure.com
My article about exploring the future of travel with Wilderness Scotland for adventure.com
Article: The Outsiders Project
My interview with Siddrah Aslam, founder of ClimbMuz, for The Outsiders Project.
Articles: Postcards from the Parks
I am interviewing inspiring individuals about their relationship with nature for National Parks UK and community art project Green Space Dark Skies.
Article: Patagonia Deeds Zine
I wrote a piece about connection to nature and its relationship with environmental protection for a Patagonia zine.
Article: HF Holidays
An article about The Summit - a weekend bringing together people of colour working on access and representation - that I wrote for HF Holidays.
Contributor: Outdoor Europe
A book I contributed to earlier in the year - Outdoor Europe - has been released.
Finalist: Newsweek Future of Travel Awards 2021
I was absolutely honoured to be chosen as a Finalist for the Future of Travel Awards 2021
Article: Millican Journal
I shared the story of my Return to the Ocean with my Millican Maverick backpack.
Article: Lonely Planet China
I was delighted to be included in the 2020 December issue of Lonely Planet China.
Article: 7 steps to being a mindful traveler
I wrote an article for Lonely Planet on how to be a more mindful traveler.
Award: Lonely Planet Sustainable Storyteller 2021
A few months ago, I was emailed by Lonely Planet. It didn't give much away, just asked for a call and, of course, I said yes! It's Lonely Planet after all.
Article: Sparking a Movement Whilst All At Sea
Tell someone you know that they are doing something well... it really could make all the difference. I've written an article about this for Gather Outdoors.
Article: Creating Deeper Change Through Adventure
I wrote another article for Adventure Uncovered on how you can use adventure experiences to make a bigger impact on global issues.
Article: It’s time to change the face of adventure
I wrote an article for Adventure Uncovered about how increasing diversity in the outdoors could benefit society and the environment, too.
Article: eXXpedition Leg 2 Begins
I wrote a blog post for the eXXpedition website on the beginning of eXXpedition North Pacific leg 2.
Article: Sustainability for Adventurers
I wrote an article for Love Her Wild.
Article: Surfers v Climbers
I wrote an article for Gather Outdoors.
I am honoured to join the Right to Roam Parliament of Owls.