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Interview: The Colour of Transformation
It was an honour to join forces with six Global Majority women to discuss our experiences working in conservation, natural history and the outdoors for The Colour of Transformation film project.
Finding More of Myself in 2020
How this year has shaped me, what I’ve learned and how I plan to move forward into 2021.
Diversity and my outdoors
Following the events of the last few weeks, I've seen an increased interest in diversity in the outdoors. In this post, I want to share my experience as a mixed race person in nature.
9 videos on race and privilege
Not everyone wants to, or has time to read a long list of books, I get that. Also I have it on good authority that a lot of the books on race are currently sold out.
5 books about race in the UK
I think I just became trendy. A few years ago I realised that as a mixed race person in the UK, who very obviously has coloured skin, I was being treated differently.
Article: It’s time to change the face of adventure
I wrote an article for Adventure Uncovered about how increasing diversity in the outdoors could benefit society and the environment, too.
I am honoured to join the Right to Roam Parliament of Owls.